No January Blues Here!
A blue to dive into…
Dear readers & a warm welcome to all lovely new subscribers,
Joyous new year wishes to you all…..this is a short wee story post to send some bright pops of blueness your way…..inspired by those endless blue skies & some dark inky hues to dive right into. It is suddenly a hot new favourite of mine, you know that 80’s electric blue….just bypass the dodgy shoulder pads……
Pretty Victoria Street
Check out that blue sky…
To help celebrate the final week of January, I have a promotion in my online shop - 10% from all orders placed by the end of the day on the 31st. Just enter the code NOJANBLUES at checkout.
For new year gifting!
Why not take advantage of this small offer to boost your mood & an interior space?!
This is my way to say thank you for supporting a small business and as a vital way to encourage our creative community to keep going and to challenge high street shopping. I remember buying the most beautiful hand papercut card from papercut illustrator, author & shadow puppet maker ‘Eriko Kono’ at the Edinburgh Printmaker’s Christmas Market and just being blown away by the intricacy of her work. She includes a wondrous story about the papercut on the back which takes you on a journey of discovery and wonder……it really adds that extra smile to your purchase. See my ‘discover’ button below to follow a link.
I have been spending some time crafting small plywood mounted works and a few are available in my shop. They work so well standing on a surface, or using the drill hole on the back, just to sit flush to the wall on a nail. Installing just couldn’t be easier! They work well on their own, or as a small group together. As usual with my practice, they are all unique works, screen printed on Southbank Smooth 250 gsm paper. I like how the print is not covered by glass, or surrounded by the confines of a frame. Last night I actually had the idea to print directly to the wood surface, so look out for some experiments soon!
Some bright neons
I needed some brightness this month to push me on……..monoprinting is a great way to loosen up & make a fresh start to new works…
Monoprinting at Edinburgh Printmaker’s
Loosen up & enjoy this spontaneous process…
Besides my plan to explore screen printing directly to wooden panels, I also plan on experimenting with screen printing through fine woven fabrics, like silk, to leave a slightly textured surface to the print. I am curious about what may happen & I will endeavour to do some short videos of process to share, this is something I aim to do more of to offer an insight into how I layer my works.
A final thank you to all new subscribers to my story posts and studio updates. I hope you enjoy these dropping into your inbox!
Until next time…… ever I thank you for your continued support.