Let the festivities begin.......
Stars you can touch!
Dear readers & lovely new subscribers,
Welcome to my last wee story post for this year, which has been quite a colossal one in so many ways. A few words of thanks and handshakes first and then I thought a bit of a pic fest to round off this story………before the start of a new one…..
Assembly Rooms, George St
A massive frosty, figgy filled ‘Thank you’ to everyone that visited me to spend some of their time or bought a gift from me at the two festive fairs I traded at this month. It was my first experience of the Christmas season as a maker and I really enjoyed it. I had so many lovely chats and many words of support for my work which is so appreciated and met fabulous fellow traders.
The weekend at the ‘Out of The Blue’ fair started with the heaviest of snowfalls at around 7.30am and there I was standing on our front doorstep praying to the taxi gods that my chariot would make it! It was the prettiest taxi ride I can tell you and the city sure looks fine in a thick blanket of white.
The Members Show 2022, ‘Kinship’ at Edinburgh Printmakers, Castle Mills was wonderful. It felt such a privilege to have my works shown alongside fellow members working across so many printmaking disciplines and in such a gloriously light filled space.
T u n d r a - October 2022
Photo thanks to Alan Dimmick
December is my firm favourite month of the year…….so many glorious things to celebrate and enjoy. Gratefully, we appear to have landed in a city that bedecks itself in fine festive splendour and I certainly couldn’t be happier to be right there in it! Here are some pictures of the beautiful light show at The Botanic Gardens, which was a birthday treat for me this week.
A final thank you to all new subscribers to my story posts and studio updates. I hope you enjoy these dropping into your inbox!
Gorgeous Cockburn Street
A very frosty Princes St Gardens….
Icicles aplenty!
I wish everyone a joyous yuletide season in whatever fashion it happens to take and hope whatever you do, you manage some quiet moments to yourself……now I must dig out ‘The Christmas Chronicles’ book by Hugh F. Whittingstall and stare longingly at the beautiful pictures with a hot drink and a freshly made frangipane mince pie!
Happy hols until next time……..as ever I thank you for your continued support.