P R I N T M A K I N G Workshops

Action shot!

Action shot!

F I N A L L Y ……. I am ready to safely start my Printmaking Workshops again……major WOOHOO….to revive them after 15 months off! So, please read on to find out how it all works & how to get in touch if you would like to ‘gift’ one or two to a friend or a relative, or of course to oneself!! I hope the pics throughout will whet your creative appetite………

The lockdown encouraged us all to discover new ways to be resourceful and to bend our creativity. Last May I ran a series of online classes to my weekly group of students, primarily. I was thrilled when a French lady was also keen to join! We tried different techniques each week, backed up by visual resources that I emailed out a week beforehand with a list of materials and vital links to artists’ work for much needed inspiration. It was a great way to keep in contact and importantly, just to keep making. You can see examples of the processes we explored via my Instagram @kims_workshops.

Have a go at Linoprinting…

Have a go at Linoprinting…

I offer an option to book in for Lino-print courses via Obby.co.uk. On my page on the website you will see a range of possible dates as well the chance to read reviews from past students. Please click on the button above to take you to my page! This course is primarily aimed at beginners who would like to have a go at the method and you will create a set of prints to take home with you on this 3 hour workshop. If, however, you would like to further develop your skills with lino-print, the course is flexible enough to offer the ‘reduction’ lino-print method to offer greater sophistication to this very versatile technique.

Here is the abstract landscape lino-print showing the expressive carved lines in this ‘reduction’ process……the prints were very striking….

Here is the abstract landscape lino-print showing the expressive carved lines in this ‘reduction’ process……the prints were very striking….

As an alternative to the Obby platform, I also run weekly printmaking workshops every week to a dedicated group of students, many of whom have been with me since the very beginning & it is always wonderful to watch their skills grow throughout the variety of projects they take on! I have a dedicated Instagram handle just to celebrate this wonderful work…..click on the button below to see!

During these weekly workshops, the students cover a whole plethora of printmaking techniques………monoprint/monotype, drypoint, lino-print, collagraphy, gelli printing, screen-print……and together we have made prints on papers of all kinds, hand printed tote bags, fabric pieces to be made into cushions or even a project that covered a much loved vintage chair! See the pic below of this in process! The inspiration for the printmaking comes from literally everywhere…..I have had scenes of Honor Oak train station…….a fabulous Warhol inspired set of prints of Pops the wonderdog……a reduction lino-print of one of the facades of a house…….and the beat goes on……..

This was hand printed and reupholstered onto a favourite chair!

This was hand printed and reupholstered onto a favourite chair!

If you are curious about trying the glorious world of printmaking, or would like to refresh skills or develop different techniques, then please get in touch to discuss coming to a ‘Taster Workshop’, whereby you can try any (or all!) of the methods | listed above……why not book with a friend/s and come together! As printmaking is both thirsty business & sure to get your appetite going too……halfway through we stop for ‘elevenses’ or thereabouts for some much needed refreshment in the form of fresh coffee/tea & homemade cake…….and a chance to chat about what to do next….

You can’t beat a jolly nice homemade cake…..

You can’t beat a jolly nice homemade cake…..

To register your interest in joining a practical printmaking workshop, you could do this by using the contact page on my website (my email is there too) or message me via Instagram and I can get back to you with dates and further information.

Collagraphy - such a gorgeous textural method that really celebrates sustainability through recycling humble materials….

Collagraphy - such a gorgeous textural method that really celebrates sustainability through recycling humble materials….

A bit about me…….my printmaking background lies in screen printed textiles primarily and I have explored many techniques further through my art teaching career. I fondly remember working alongside ‘Dave Gunning’ whilst teaching the etching process to my A level students……..indeed my beautiful etching press, ‘Bette’ was made by Dave’s company ‘Gunningarts’ based fittingly in Ironbridge.

The Home Studio - lots of natural light and plenty of green to stare out at…..

The Home Studio - lots of natural light and plenty of green to stare out at…..

I hope I have given you some print for thought…….go on give it a go……I promise you will be hooked!!

Until next time……..thank you for your time & for your support…….

P.S - if you look back at earlier blog posts you can see some collagraphy in action & check out some ‘How To’ videos via my IGTV!